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Plumbing Inspections


Plumbing is seen as the foundation of any home. This is thus why an inspection of this facility should be made a priority by any homeowner. However, this is rarely the case, and this is so because, moving houses makes the owner be constantly preoccupied with all the other things come with moving, such as hiring movers, unpacking and sorting. For this reason, very little attention is accorded to the plumbing section.
The fact that the plumbing system is hidden from the naked eye, within walls and boards, is another factor that makes it be easily overlooked. However, this kind of neglect to an important aspect of the house as this may eventually result in to catastrophic problems later on. These problems may then prove to be quite costly to rectify, thus adding on to the stress of the owner.

Reasons for Inspection

Plumbing inspections may save you from immense extra costs later on after you move in to your house. This is because, once they are done, they can be used to analyze the house’s system and warn the owner of any major problems that might arise or those that are already there. Dealing with them early, will reduce the amount you will have to spend once the damage occurs and the problems become uncontrollable.
These inspections will as well increase your system’s lifespan. Items such as the water heaters softeners and filter require continuous checkups as the run on a daily basis, thus the reason to ensure that they are checked during the inspection to ensure that you have clean supply of water to your house.


The number of times these inspections can be performed is very dependent on how much the owner needs to feel assured. This can be done on an annual or even bi-annual basis. This is because there are some problematic situations that are not noticeable except only when they blow up and result in the costly fixes that the owner will have to cater for. A professional will however be able to notice and trace these kinds of situations such as leaks and drips, and thus advice the owner on the counter measures he ought to undertake to fix them.

Plumbing Preparations

Before moving into a new house, the owners need to first ensure that the plumbing systems is of good quality. This can only be assessed after a thorough plumbing system inspection has been done. The inspection tends to spot all the minor and major issues that might be in the system, giving the owners a chance to deal with them early enough before they can escalate in to big disasters that will cost a large amount of money to fix.
The normal practice recently in plumbing has been the incorporation of long lasting copper based and durable plastic products as opposed to the previous use of lead based products, which were found to be hazardous to not only the environment, but the users as well.

Call Kellie Plumbing at (317) 738-2707 for impeccable inspection services in the Frankin area.